Home » Guelph, Ont. bar now Canada’s smallest with a capacity of 9

Guelph, Ont. bar now Canada’s smallest with a capacity of 9

A bar in Guelph, Ont., is now the smallest in Canada. It’s called Standing Room Only and for good reason — it has a capacity of nine.

The establishment beat out the 150 square-foot El Pequeno in Montreal to be the country’s smallest bar, coming in at 143.8 square feet.

The bar, run by mixologist Doug Todd, aims to offer drinks that are a little more elaborate than your standard beer.

“We wanted a speakeasy. I wanted it to be showy. I wanted a little bit of Willy Wonka, some Dr. Seuss, a little bit of Disney,” Todd told Global News.

Todd and his partner, Mike Watt, actually didn’t know they were creating the smallest bar in Canada when they began creating the space at Ontario and Arthur streets in Guelph.

The customers don’t seem to mind the tight squeeze, though, and there’s even a dance floor, marked by a brightly lit square, for those who wish to partake. Todd believes it is the smallest dance floor in the world, at under four feet.

Source: globalnews