Both the major parties support the AUKUS deal but already there is disagreement over how to pay for it. Defence Minister Richard Marles was right to describe as “modest” the estimated $268 billion-to-$368 billion cost of acquiring, operating and maintaining a fleet of eight nuclear-powered submarines over the next 30 years.
“You can take any ability of government and forecast it out to the middle of the 2050s, and you will get a large number,” he said.
By comparison at least.
For example, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, which is already costing a much higher than promised $34 billion a year, and rising to $89.4 billion in 2032, will cost more than $2 trillion over the same period as AUKUS if left unchecked.
The stage three tax cuts, last forecast to be worth $254 billion over a decade, could cost as much as three times the AUKUS amount over 30 years.
Still, AUKUS, and an overall increase in defence spending that is set to be announced in the defence strategic review to be released next month, will need to be paid for. In that sense, it will become more expensive and politically tricky over time, starting with the government that wins the election after the next.
Under the numbers Marles released on Tuesday, the first decade of AUKUS will essentially involve start-up and preparation costs, consisting of $9 billion over the first four years, and as much as $58 billion over the first 10. That makes it another $200 billion to $300 billion over the next 20 years.
Marles likes to explain the cost of AUKUS as an average increase of 0.15 per cent of GDP over 30 years.
The year-by-year numbers, which the government will not release, show the proportion of GDP spent on the submarines will spike next decade when Australia starts buying the three Virginia class boats and simultaneously tools up to start building the bespoke SSN-AUKUS model from 2042.
Not that the opposition is arguing with the cost. Peter Dutton has offered rock-ribbed bipartisan support for a program that was, after all, conceived by the former Coalition government and which will span the life of multiple administrations.
But there will be disagreement over how to pay for it. Dutton has said the government should not “cannibalise” other areas of defence, but that will occur. Defence has been ordered to find $3 billion in cuts over the next four years to help offset the $9 billion forward estimates costs. (The other $6 billion offset will come from not proceeding with the French diesel-electric submarines).
Dutton has also told the government to keep its hands off the stage three tax cuts, pointing out that Labor went to the election knowing AUKUS would cost a bomb while simultaneously vowing to implement the tax cuts in full.
Ditto the superannuation tax increase announced two weeks ago, which the Coalition also opposes.
One area both sides agree on, but Labor will not yet say publicly, is the need to rein in the NDIS. Dutton has offered Labor a latitude it refused to give the Coalition when in government and has sought to get the scheme back on track to keep it financially sustainable.
He is not, as his detractors shriek, demanding a choice between wheelchairs and missiles, but is stating the obvious that the NDIS has ballooned into something it was never envisaged to be, and it will become unsustainable unless confined to those it was originally designed to help.
For Labor, grasping that nettle will truly be a “tough” decision – rivalled, perhaps, by trying to establish a high-level nuclear waste dump in 30 years.
That, too, has bipartisan support, but it’s taken 30 years to try to find a site for low-level waste and that’s still not resolved.
Source: Financial Review